Nina Pampel of Integrated Human Resourcing lists the Top 5 mistakes made by employers when recruiting and how to avoid them.
Mistake 1
Not analysing the businesses needs firsts, role requirements are too vague and there is no job description.
Complete a job analysis, identify responsibilities and develop a position description.
Mistake 2
Not taking into consideration team fit when interviewing.
DISC profile candidates, understand the existing team and consider personalities that would be a good fit.
Mistake 3
Not being prepared with interview questions relevant to the role and person you are looking for.
Develop an interview guide with a mixture of experience, competency and behavioural questions.
Mistake 4
Leaving good candidates hanging.
Always communicate any hurdles or hold ups in the process, try to be open and honest. Always ask if they are currently considering any other opportunities. Back to mistake 1, try not to recruit until the business is ready.
Mistake 5
Not completing pre-employment checks.
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Nina takes a few minutes to share a little about herself.
1. Talk us through your ideal day off
Sleep in, walk in Burleigh, breakfast out and just pottering around my house.
2. What is your weirdest habit?
I hold my breath without realising.
3. What is the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
I am not a very spontaneous person but I suggested going to the Animal Welfare League to look at dogs. Well no one just goes to look do they, so we have now had a gorgeous dog for 6 years.
4. Do you have a favourite quote?
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind”
5. What part of your business have you successfully outsourced?