New Client Registration FormNew Client Registration FormOnline form for new clients to completeLegal Name(Required)Business (Trading) Name(Required)Entity Type(Required)Company, trust, sole trader etc.ABN(Required)How long has your business been operating?(Required)What does your business do?(Required)Business industry and what it entailsContact Name(Required)Date of BirthBusiness Phone(Required)Mobile(Required)Email(Required)WebsiteIf applicablePostal Address(Required)Business AddressBusiness DetailsNumber of Emoplyees(Required)Type of Software Utilised(Required)QBO, Xero, MYOB, Reckon etcATO Lodgement Frequency(Required)Monthly Activity Statements, Quarterly Business Activity StatementsAccounts Contact(Required)Accountant(Required)Legal ConsultantIf applicableBanking ConsultantIf applicableOther Related EntitiesIf applicableRange of Services Recording of receipts and payments into accounting software Reconciliation of bank and credit card accounts Reconciliation of debtors, creditors and inventory subsidiary ledgers Posting of journal entries where necessary Preparation of Business Activity Statements and Instalment Activity Statements Lodgement of Business Activity Statements and Instalment Activity Statements Payroll attendances at weekly/fortnightly/monthly intervals Completion of annual payroll tasks as required by the Australian Taxation Office Preparation of weekly/fortnightly/monthly/quarterly financial statements Preparation of the financial year-end work-papers for your tax agent Bookkeeping training Cash flow statements, Profit & Loss forecasts and budgets Phone and email based support Dealing with the ATO on your behalf on matters relating to BAS agent services Administrative tasks as required Additional work as agreedAdditional WorkAs agreedNotesFurther notesIf applicableΔ